2020 Veblen-Clark Lecture, "What Makes a Great Education? Knowledge and Skills in the 21st Century
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2020 Veblen-Clark Lecture, "What Makes a Great Education? Knowledge and Skills in the 21st Century
I do not own the copyright, but usage will fall within Fair Use clause.
Are our schools and universities best served by a traditional curriculum? Ordo we need a radical overhaul to make it fit for the twenty-first century? Inthis lecture Professor Leunig argues that knowledge is the only firm foundation for the creativity our societies need if we are to tackle theeconomic, social and environmental challenges that our world faces over the next fifty years.
I do not own the copyright, but usage will fall within Fair Use clause.
- Title 2020 Veblen-Clark Lecture, "What Makes a Great Education? Knowledge and Skills in the 21st Century
- Upload Date March 9, 2022 9:58pm
- Date
- Description Are our schools and universities best served by a traditional curriculum? Ordo we need a radical overhaul to make it fit for the twenty-first century? Inthis lecture Professor Leunig argues that knowledge is the only firm foundation for the creativity our societies need if we are to tackle theeconomic, social and environmental challenges that our world faces over the next fifty years.
- Licensing I do not own the copyright, but usage will fall within Fair Use clause.
- Permitted Uses Unrestricted Use: Free to Use Without Restrictions
- Department or Office Economics
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- Rating
- Names Professor Tim Leunig
- Creator
- Course Number
- Access Restrictions
- Interviewer
- Narrator
- Original Format Location
- Related Collection
- Transcript
- Archives UnitID
- Year Created
- Item State
- Course Subject ECON
- Frame Rate 29.97
- Frame Mode Smpte_30_Drop